Note: Except where noted, all materials on this site are the copyrighted property of Alfred B. Bortz. Individuals may print single copies of reviews or columns for their own use. For permission to publish or print multiple copies of any of the materials on this site, please contact the author by e-mail.
So many books; so little time to review them!
Now that I have established myself as a leading reviewer of science books, I get more books delivered to my home than I can dream of handling. In some cases, I have requested the titles from publishers' catalogs, but many come unsolicited. Almost all of them look interesting, so the least I can do is list them here and include links to buy them at These books were received in 2005. For the current year's books, visit our regularly updated Books Received page.
The books received in 2005 are listed in order of publication month, the latest books first.
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